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Unforgettable night in the woods

The picturesque village nestled atop a high mountain, in the midst of an evergreen pine wood. Though it was called a village it had just a handful of houses. The homes were made of stones and clay and laid thick, to keep the bitter winter out as much as possible. The roofs were made of straw and branches and slate tiles. Sometimes small animals found their way into these warm homes through these cosy roofs.


The most imposing house belonged to Bittoo’s family. His father was the village mukhiya. Before that it was his grandfather and before that his great-grandfather. It was like the hukka in their hall, a family heirloom. Next to the haveli (for want of a better word) was Sonu’s house. Much smaller, but akin to Rakesh’s house. Then there were the homes of Ayesha, Rabia and Manju. All these children were friends. They would go to the school in the valley, some ten kilometres away, most days. Some days they would go herd their motley herd of cattle or work on their parents small fields as harvest times and planting season needed all hands at home.


It was a tough life. But they enjoyed running up and down the mountains free as the breeze, their cheeks ruddy and eyes sparkling. In the short summer season they would merrily go dipping in the cold mountain stream gurgling through the woods.


One day as they were getting back from a strenuous day of learning tables, poems and which Mughal king preceded whom, their tired minds were steadily becoming refreshed with every step they took to ascend their mountain trail. Their cattle came running up, the bells around their necks ringing, as if to greet their long lost friends. The mountainside echoed with pleasant laughter, tinkling bells and an odd moo, or bleat, now and then. The grown ups never understood this, for they would be winded from their trek up the mountain, quite the opposite to their children.


The sun was setting in the west amidst beautiful hues of pink, amber and tangerine!  But there was something strange. Why were the birds not twittering and chittering as they flew to roost in the trees? Wait… where were the flocks of birds that turned in for the night? The cattle were also silent, as if threatened by the teachers at school to hold the rooster pose. Strange!



‘Help! Help!’

Shrieks for help sounded from the woods behind the village. The children looked at each other and all ran towards the sound, feeling the urgency. The thundering of the running feet echoed in the eerie silence. Twilight wrapped its shawl tightly around the mountain top as the brilliance of the sun and the vibrant colours of the sky were masked by a dull haze. The children reached a glade and looked around to find the person in need. Silence dropped from Heaven along with a cold breeze. Bittoo whispered, “Stay quiet and stay calm!” They needlessly nodded in the dark. The dark sky soon glowed with a million stars shining brilliantly. The moon was not missed even though absent.

“Look,” said Ayesha and pointed up.


The children gaped as a bright star slowly floated to the earth as if trying to land… Bittoo hissed “Run behind the trees,” as they scattered in twos and threes, out of vision. Barely managing to duck into hiding as a spherical aircraft landed, giving off some strange blue and white light. A door slowly opened and out stepped some kids in odd clothes. On a closer look, they were not kids. They had strange faces, yet they were not faces… aliens!

They held some devices in their hands. In no time two more of them appeared from nowhere holding Bishen chacha between them. Manju’s father. His hands were tucked behind him and he looked terrified. He had called for help.


All the strange little people stood close to Bishen Chacha and then turned towards their strange aircraft. Between them they were pushing him forward, but without touching! The children watched in fear and trepidation. At last Manju could not control herself any more. “Baba!” she yelled. “Baba I am coming, don’t worry, I will save you!”

The door opened. All but one little creature vanished like magic. While the remaining guy somehow turned on some powerful torch in the sky which shone precisely on the kids. One, two, three, four, five… Only five of them were visible. Huddled together! While the UFO launched heavenwards in a blaze of blue light!

Pic courtesy: Image by Nicole Rose from Pixabay 

Written for the prompt by #Did You Write Today: A night in the woods… 

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