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Times change!


Bitiya was a hardworking Research Assistant at the prestigious IIM- Ahmedabad. One who impressed everyone who came her way. From Profs to students, her twinkling eyes, ability to debate the hind legs off a donkey and mesmerizing grace with which she danced, endeared her to all.

On advice from her boss, she applied for further studies to a few universities in the much soughted US of A. Surprise! She not only got admission but won a scholarship too. Never having dreamt of such possibilities, her retired parents were filled with pride. And off she flew.

As was the norm with her, she won accolades and laurels and many admirers. Often, she wished her parents could see her now, get a peek into her life, her daily routine. Bitiya did her best through lengthy phone calls, letters and hundreds of photographs sent through the mail.

Soon she found her soulmate. They dreamt of a life together. With the blessings of their parents and a scintillating celebration with pulsating music, vibrant silk costumes, guffawing laughter, amidst family and friends they were wedded. The very next day the just married couple flew back to embark on their journey of Life. He was a whiz in IT, excelling at work. She aspired to do the same. And soon it happened. Given her great communication skills, she kept rising up the ladder.

At that time the world was steadily undergoing change. From a country with a population problem, Indians catapulted to top the list of erudite software and computer savvy people. The Internet was in. It was not just an exclusive prerogative, but fast becoming a household affair. The well to do people had connections not just in their office but also at their homes. And during such exciting times Bitiya was ready to welcome her baby.

When the baby arrived, it was with great pleasure she introduced him to the family over ‘Skype’. Everyone fussed over the baby ‘virtually’. The letters now had take a backseat, but cards were still exchanged over seas and short notes replaced the lengthy epistles.

As the baby grew, people back home got their first laptops and mobiles. One could see and hear each other anytime , anywhere.

While Bitiya sat sipping her coffee in her warm, cosy study, by the window looking out at swirling snowflakes, on crisp December mornings, she would skype with her mother and sisters, so they could share her warmth and see the cold white blanket enveloping the green trees in her yard.

Often, they assured her they could even smell the fresh baby fragrance along with the invigorating aroma of her coffee, which always made her smile.

As more babies joined the first, now a smart young boy, life changed for everyone as computers,             e-mails, skype, Facetime, videocalls became as common as taking a walk in the park. Even the old lady sweeping in the park, in her bright green saree, big red bindi and chewing tobacco, would pull out a mobile phone now and then and holler, “Hello? Haan…”

The world seems to have shrunk. Many young people today often wonder “How did our parents and their friends and their parents, manage without the Internet? After all there is only one solution to any problem…Just Google!”

Bitiya and her family no longer feel alienated or separated. In fact in the period of the Lockdown, everyone is joking, “ We could well have been neighbours!”


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