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The Sacred Talisman

The lone traveller wiped the sweat from his brow, scrunched his eyes, shielding them from the hot sun, beating down mercilessly on him as he squinted towards the horizon. Yes! He could see his destination, right in front, albeit shimmering in the horizon.

His travel through the desert had sapped every ounce of his energy, but he had to reach the promised land. Mankind and its survival banked on him. The earth had been shattered during the 100 years of battle. A battle against an unseen, unknown enemy. A battle which was fought by every man, every woman, and every child from the North pole to the South pole; from Tokyo to San Francisco.

Alas only a handful had survived. They had connected on their sophisticated technology aided chips implanted in their brain. They communicated through telepathy over the ether. Shiva (he was named after the great Lord Shiva, one of the Hindu Triumvirate) recalled his Grandmother’s prophecy, “ You will save all men and this world!” whenever he played mischief and his mother gave him a sound spanking,in his childhood.

He had been contacted by an extraterrestrial being from another galaxy and given the coordinates of the Promised Land, where he would find the Sacred Talisman. When he shared it with the other survivors, they just laughed, “ Ha! Ha! ha! Good story!”

So, he was left alone to go on this venture. Remembering Sindbad from his Grandma’s tales, he set forth after paying obeisance to Shiva, his Deity.

Reaching deep into his soul for succour he trudged along. “Om Namah Shivai!” The meditative trance helped to fix his gaze and remember his purpose. The Sun, a brilliant, dazzling orb in the clear turquoise blue sky, enjoyed showering its blessings on the lone traveller, over the limitless golden sands. It watched quizzically as he saw the traveller fumble, trip and fall into the hot sand dune. “ This will not do!” the Sun thought and ventured down on earth himself, in his complete glory! Picking up the feeble man, undefeatable in his purpose, he transported him to the city wall.

“ Water! Water! Water!” “ Just a sip”, murmured Shiva. There was no one to hear him. Opening his eyes slowly, he was baffled at his surroundings. He stared at the magnificent, wide open city gates beckoning him within. Fumbling for the last vestiges of energy in the remotest part of his soul he clumsily clambered up and crawled to the immense and imposing gates.This was as welcoming as it could be.

As he slowly looked around, his gaze was arrested by a brilliantly sparkling golden dome. Doubtlessly the most significant building around. Was it the Palace Or the office of the highest authority or maybe … the home to the Sacred Talisman? This thought invigorated his body and mind, and slowly he started jogging towards it , then sprinting the last hundred metres, breathing heavily, he reached the most fascinating building he had ever seen. Doors richly carved, harbouring the most warm and welcoming vibes, he clambered over the steps and reached the soothing, cool, dark environs. A respite from the sun.

He collapsed. Just as his head was about to strike the ground, he felt someone holding him. He felt the gentleness as he was laid down. Turning, he saw the most beautiful woman on earth, smiling at him, reassuring him, he had reached his destination, cradling his head on her lap as she offered him a sip of the best drink ever! Ambrosia?

As the cool, refreshing water trickled down his parched, throat he knew he had successfully found the Talisman! He was saved!


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