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From the Universe

She stared at the horizon, looking attentively and expectantly, waiting for the Intergalactical spaceship to arrive.

She had received their reply to her desperate call for help. The world was at the brink of disaster, no the disaster was already here. The world was on the brink of annihilation. It’s end.

It had started quite a few years back. More and more people were constantly busy. They were running from home to work to home, with their heads buried in their phones or staring at data displays. AI had replaced human labour in most places.

People were marooned in their little islands, surrounded by machines, computers and robots. Earlier if they didn’t like other people, they could argue, fight, debate or get angry. They had people they loved, whom they held dear and looked forward to meeting and spending time with. If they were not happy with their own wives and girl friends they coveted others………. But people dealt with people! When did it change, no one could say. Granny said it probably happened after Grandpa fell in love with the neighbour’s wife and ran away with her. ( Why did he have to do that?)

The lonely people initially were overjoyed. They didn’t have to listen to anyone. No tantrums to face, or pacify colleagues, bosses or loved ones. The euphoria soon died down, when the realisation hit home, they had none to chat with, complain to nor any who fussed over them.

The lack of human companionship soon made them distant and slowly they sank into the sea of loneliness and depression.

Families struggled to hang on to each other and build bonds and bridges. But human nature is such they did not want those at hand, but hungered for peers or distant shadows.

Listening to her Granny, Natasha knew that love was the magic potion which would heal the world. Surrounded by lonely souls, cities and entire nations witnessed people getting ensnared by fear, the fear of the unknown.The fear of what will happen in the future. The fear of dying alone.

This fear spread far and wide. The fearful stopped seeing the beauty outside their windows. The trees with their abundant green foliage, set in interesting and intricate patterns, swaying in the breeze, while happily offering their fragrant blossoms which drew the busy bees and dancing butterflies, failed to hold their attention.The music of the various birds creating a symphony none could match, which to Natasha was balm to one’s soul, had nearly no takers.

she followed the ‘news’ with Granny.War had broken out in one country, far away, but it quickly spread to the neighbouring nations. Suddenly there seemed to be a war like situation all over the world. Borders were shut, governments were in ‘ talks’, world leaders clamoured for ‘Peace’ and ‘Peace talks’.But who was listening?

Natasha knew it was now upto her. She looked at blue prints from various Aeronautical institutions and put together a strong device for communication between stars and astral bodies, just like her Physics teacher at school. Mr Savant had once discussed. Finally she said a short prayer and switched it on.

The dash board slowly came to life, as various diodes lit up and there was a distinct hum. She typed a short message, in English of course, stating Earth was in dire straits and needed help ASAP. One of the so called intelligent  species hadgone out of balance and may result in the destruction of the entire planet.

She let the universe know, time and again, over a number of days. One evening as she turned to Granny and was about to ask her to narrate the story of Krishna once more, she heard a soothing humm coming from her device. She could barely believe what she was hearing and ran to to take a look.

One of the advanced species from another Galaxy had replied. They assured her they would send their strongest reps who had just the remedy for her and her planet. Looking at the time of their arrival, she realized it would be at Sunrise. Barely a few hours away. They had set their coordinates to land in her garden.

Rushing to Granny, she swore her to secrecy and let her know what was happening. The old lady first wondered if her grand daughter had finally gone crazy…… but after a close look… she knew it could never be. She thanked the Divine,Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva for answering her prayers. Natasha could barely wait for the horizon to change colours.

As soon as it was twilight, she was out of the house, clambering up the hill behind her house. She scanned the horizon, knowing a spaceship would soon be visible.

And all the people, all the species and the planet Earth would be saved. For those who were coming had the weapon to fight the fear in the mind, to squash all hatred and loneliness.They represented the Guardians of Destruction of all evil. In short G.O.D.

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