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Does money grow on trees?

Mom walked into the room and lost her temper. The same thing again… clothes strewn all over, shoes kicked off in a heap, books and empty cups helter skelter; a sight to turn Lakshmi to Durga!
“Not again Raghav! Why can’t you keep your things back in their place?”
Raghav… not Raghu… he was in deep trouble!
“I was just about to… why do you wake up so early Ma?”
“About to… every day the same thing… it’s not even that you clean your room every day. It’s me!” She stomped her feet.
That always reminded him of a bull preparing to run down its enemy!
“I promise I will clear it right away! In 5 minutes! Promise! Have you made my cold coffee?”
“Oh… so his highness expects cold coffee to be ready… even before he wakes up?” Mom asked in her iciest tone ever.
“I am giving you 5 minutes, this better be… (she clicked her fingers)… gone!”
“Do you realize the cost of everything? At least respect what you have and take care of it” She continued!
He nodded his head from side to side trying to put his most innocent smile in place.
“ What do you think… money grows on trees?”
Aroma of toasts and eggs wafted in, mingled with the ever tantalizing smell of coffee.
It was safe to go into the den, Raghav knew.
In he walked gingerly… “Mom, I have something for you, close your eyes!”
“I don’t have time for your games,” she said but obliged.
“Ok mom! You can open them now!” His eyes danced with merriment as he watched her holding the money plant!
“What?” She screamed. Before bursting into laughter.
“ Money doesn’t grow on trees but we can have a money plant surely!”

Written for: #Did you write today?

Pic courtesy: Image by Jason Goh from Pixabay

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