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Anand Tandav – Dance of Joy


Swaraglok was gleaming golden. The Gods and goddesses had assembled in front of Lord Shiva seeking his blessings. The Lord sat eyes closed in his blissful state. As he went deeper and deeper in His meditation, maybe witnessing things in all the different worlds of the universe, ripples of bliss exuded from Him.

The waves were now becoming stronger, rhythmic beats of percussion, “ Tat tat thum” “ Tat tat tham” changing to “ Ta dhin dhin na, Ta dhin dhin na”.The haunting notes of a flute intermingled now, swirling among the strong bass notes. The Divine music penetrated through the air and through all beings, setting them in a vibratory swirl.

What’s this? Lord Shiva Himself rose up and started lifting His feet in synchrony. “ “Tat tat Thayyum tha,” And he added a graceful pirouette. His hands assumed the ‘Abhaya mudra’ as he swayed and moved stamping his  feet rhythmically to the beats of the Celestial drum. Leaping gracefully He landed from one foot to the other. His lithe body glistened, the muscles rippled and His smile so joyful, it mesmerized everyone. No one could resist swaying, and dancing with joy.

May this anand Tandav permeate every cell and every body as we see the clouds racing in to nurture the parched Earth, as the trees rejoice in the gusty winds mirroring the Divine dance. The Monsoons are here. Everyone rejoices as the handsome peacocks, fanning their regal feathers, remembering Lord Krishna are the first to start dancing with joy!



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