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Solitary- solitude

Craaash! Boom!


“Aye! What are you doing?”

The cacophony of noise was accompanied with blaring of horns, flames interspersed with sparks and strange human noises. A car lay turtle here, another there and somewhere on the shoulder road lay two cars swiveled in directions no roads led to or from.

It was a bizarre accident!

The efficient police was there in no time. The ambulances arrived soon, their sirens blaring… as if complaining about being on call 24 X 7.

Amidst all the note taking, rescuing the drivers and passengers, Sean slowly regained consciousness. Though he could see stars in broad daylight and a few robins sang in his ears he tried to take stock of what was happening around.

Last he recalled his fiancée shouting…. What did she say?

He turned his head to look at the passenger seat. There she was, the angelic face with the cornflower blue eyes and golden hair. But why was she not blinking? Her beautiful ruby lips were opened but no sound escaped. And as his gaze went lower, he saw a red stain slowly staining her white blouse. Oh! She would be very angry… Her OCD was on quite another level.


‘The accused has been found guilty as charged,’ announced the Judge before banging his gavel. Sean looked at his lawyer desperately. But, he was busy gathering his papers and packing his bag without a glance towards his client.

Someone put handcuffs on his wrists. Finally, he found himself in a small cell, in solitary confinement. The newspapers blared ‘Justice finally done’!

Day after day pangs of guilt seared through him. He would cry and beg forgiveness but the walls would not hear, would not listen. He started praying in anguish one evening. The crying silenced on his lips; the tears dried in his eyes.


Angela came hurtling through the main door. Her blue eye sparkling. Her shining golden hair bouncing behind her like a celestial halo.

‘Sean! Sean! I have done it!’ she squealed in delight.

“What’s that? What brings such joy?”

‘I had applied to law school, in secret. And I have been accepted! Isn’t that great?’ Sean’s face fell. He tried to smile but …

‘So, what about our wedding? What about all the plans we had made to start our family and go away to the mountains?’

‘Its just a matter of six to eight years. I never told you but it has been my secret dream. And Ross has been accepted too. We are so excited!’

That was the last straw. Sean’s heart broke. He had always wondered who was more important for Angela… She had chosen to put a hold on their life together. He could not recall one time Angela professing to be a lawyer, though she had mentioned how Ross would give an arm and a leg to be one. And now this!

“I wish you success in your endeavour, Darling!” said he desperately trying to inject some enthusiasm, of which he could find none in his heart.

They headed to the car, to their lunch date in a remote village at the base of the mountain range. A prelude to their dream, rather his dream. Angela was prancing as if nothing had happened, that Sean was as joyful as she.

“When I come down for term break, we can do this then as well, right Sean?”

Her insensitivity suddenly crawled under his skin and stabbed him with a thousand-pronged fork making him yell out in pain as his eyes blurred, brimming with tears and a large screech of brakes heralding impending disaster shook the very earth.

That accident was not his fault!


Dear God

Is it wrong to dream of one’s happiness? Am I responsible for what happened? Why am I being penalised? I never harmed anyone. I never broke any promises. Then why am I in prison? Why did you allow so many deaths to be written on my head?

Why God, why?

The mourning, self-pity and anger went on for days, weeks and months.

Till the cell became silent and still!


Crank! Crash! Creeak!

The cell door was opened one day. Sean had lost track of time. He neither knew the day nor the year it was. The guard called to him that he had been released.

“Me? Are you sure? Who would have done that for me? My friends and family I lost in that fateful accident!”

“No idea bro! Just leave, or do you want to live here forever, rent free?” he smirked.

When he went to collect his valuables, he was introduced to the anonymous lawyer who had reopened his case and proved him not guilty. Ross!

Tears trickled down his cheeks, slowly turning into torrents. Hugging him tightly to his bosom he just howled. Ross hugged him and wiped his tears.

“You are free Sean! Free to go home! I am sorry I could not help you earlier. You know I loved Angela… but she loved you!”

Speechless Sean stood for long.


For years now the man had been living in the cottage on the mountain top. His few needs were met by what he grew on his patch of land and the little store in the village. Hardly did anyone visit him, neither did he bother anyone.

He bore a saintly peace as he tended to whoever walked in through his door. It was never locked, always open. The birds from the woods abounded around his home as did squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, and strays.

In solitude he lived, like a monk. Often seen praying and meditating, he was looked up to as a holy saint, a redeemer! His transformation, from the exterior to the interior was much talked about.

A blessed soul! A saint! God on earth!

He received many sobriquets. But he was not aware! His talks were simple. Thank you, God! Thank you for all your gifts! His solitary existence brought him peace. Solitude was a gift he relished the most.

Photo by Lukasz Szmigiel on Unsplash

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