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Himalayan landscape for representation only

Landmark Summer


William Roy, Anna Brown, Megan Stone and Vivek Sharma went back a long way. They graduated from the Boston University together. In August of 2023 they decided to celebrate with a trek to the Everest Base Camp.

“Metaphorically, it signifies our reaching the top of our fields,” said Megan as she announced the plan to the others, over a glass of sparkling wine they sipped, overlooking one of the most expensive golf courses in Washington DC.

 “I cant be away for 3 weeks,” objected Vivek. His chain of restaurants serving Indian food, had just been announced being the topmost business in the states of Virginia and Maryland.

“Aw cmmon,” drawled Anna… “your team will feel your presence from the Himalayas… don’t worry!” the others dissolved in throaty laughter.The light hearted banter went on for a while but soon the hard working, competitive group got excited with the physical challenge as well as the mental one that such a trip offered.


Things moved fast after that. Bags were packed, flights booked, and  arrangements of all kind made to handle things at home and at work.

Arriving at Kathmandu then Lukla was the beginning of their adventure. Though the four middle-aged friends were quite fit, spending time in gyms, golf courses, ski slopes etc, being in the Himalayas is a larger than life experience. The cerulean blue skies, the fluffy white clouds and the friendly smiling Sherpas, have to be experienced. “Oh my God! Look at those mountains,” muttered William, as he whistled softly at the majestic peaks, holding their heads high, piercing the clouds that playfully tried to hide them from the view of mortals.


They were guided by Sherpas through the verdant Pine woods, inhaling the light mountain air. Carefully all walked through forests of Rhododendron, while pausing to catch glimpses of the furious Dudh Koshi river. The serenity of the place was a far cry from their busy urban lives. Their Sherpas soon filled the role of friends, Google search, as well as spiritual guides. The journey brought back their past as they negotiated the demanding trek. Their guide Sherpa Tenzing ensured they got simple but hot meals whenever they made a stop. The strong, smiling face soon became the one they relied on with gratitude. Slowly, they reached the Everest base camp which was an emotional moment for them.


William the quiet one was the most sentimental, while Megan apparently an extrovert, and a fusspot had taken on the mantle of Mother hen long back. Anna was game for anything challenging somehow, always put her foot in her mouth. So, the others felt the need to watch over her. And then there was Vivek. The mature, hard working,fun loving, caring buddy everybody dreamed of. William, Megan and Anna loved him.

 It was a quick trek back being acclimatized by then. As it was a climb down rather than up, and the weather God’s blessing was with them.

When you least expect it, something terrible happens.                 As they were carefully walking down, they were accosted by a train of yaks climbing up. The Sherpas with them, herded them off the trail expertly, but one decided to inspect Megan at close quarters. She shrieked and jumped aside. But on those narrow trails, there is no space, to do that. She found her foot hovering in air for a pause before she was rolling down, collecting dust, being scraped by jutting rocks and keeping up with her screams for help to Jesus. But it was their alert Sherpa Tenzing who dumped the bags and skipped down like a mountain goat to stop her downward roll,straight to the fast flowing mountain river.

Vinit too darted on the downward trail with alacrity. While William and Anna watched in horror, their bodies frozen.

“Don’t worry Ma’am, I will get you before soon,” reassured Tenzing jumping deftly .

“Hold on to the rocks Meg, use your legs to brake your rolling,” shouted Vinit, as he continued to descend as fast as he dared.

But Megan, could neither hear nor see. Finally a large enough boulder stopped her slim body from rolling down. That’s when they started breathing again- William and Anna!


The last day of summer in those mountains descended, with the dwindling mountaineers. “This has been such an amazing experience,” said Vivek.The others looked at the peaks all around while the words sank in. “Sir,” Tenzing addressed them urgently, as he almost ran to them.

“What happened Tenzing?” William asked.

“I am leaving right away as my wife is shifting our home. The other villagers left last week, to a place where there is water.”

“I thought that would be the least of your problems.”

“Sir, there has been less and less snowfall, leading to less water in the streams. Our village people could cultivate wheat and mustard twice in a year earlier, which became once, but now there’s nothing. We have to go where we have water for all of us to drink and grow food.”

“We understand.”

“With only a few people left, the leopards come to feast on the young goats. They may attack people. So, I have to go.  I have asked my friend to see you off on your flight. You can pay me less as I am leaving one day early.”



The new settlement bustled with people moving around. There were walls being built with local stones and mud. Roofing was done with locally procured flat stones. Children were busy herding the shaggy mountain goats and yaks. Among the busy Sherpas one could spot William and Vivek, lending a hand as well as poring over their laptops. Anna and Megan were busy helping the women folk, set up a school for anyone who wished to learn. They had lots of books, and art supplies, to set up.  

The evening found everyone at the monastery, where they twirled the prayer wheels as they chanted their prayers. Blessings were sought for the inhabitants of the new settlement and sufficient water.

PS: Image by James Wheeler from Pixabay




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