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And the skies opened up

For quite some time now news has been flying in wisps, whispers and whiffs. A strange illness has resulted in thousands succumbing to it in Wuhan, China.They say a virus has jumped bats and snakes and is now a sinister monster attacking the unsuspecting, gripping them in its vice and blowing them out like candles!

Then came details from far corners of the world. The strange illness had flown far and wide, gripping its prey, till it won the mortal combat. From ones and twos, it rose to few hundreds and in no time the toll was thousands and thousands.No country was spared,and neither any class of society. It seemed to have a penchant for the elderly, the wise and also seemed to prefer the cool climes of Europe and North America. With the Middle Eastern countries thrown in for good measure.

Along with the flu spread fear and pandemonium as WHO declared the Pandemic.

Social distancing, self isolation, lock down, sanitation and hygiene became the new buzz words. Along with masks and gloves, not just for medicos but every Jack, Jill and Jane!

Cities , towns and entire nations found their roads and neighbourhoods drained of people and their presence. The Sensex, The Dow, The Nasdaq all nosedived and came tumbling down as did many senators, politicians and the elderly. From Japan to New York. From Finland to the Cape of Good Hope.

Few leaders had the foresight to learn from the trends and fast accumulating numbers how to care for their people, what measures to take and what laws to make.

For some fear ruled, as they envisaged the end of the world, definitely their own while others were just confused to Work From Home.To manage family,home and work; keep the kids entertained, the elderly occupied and to be the provider. The Provider of food, entertainment, comfort, hope, cleanliness, hygiene, answers to the thousand and one questions.

There were others who watched, they were the witnesses. Witness to change.The roads now empty, silent; the skies bereft of all but birds and clouds;The neighbours, friends, colleagues all at home ensconced with their families.

Modern gadgets and inventions kept all individuals connected, as they wished to, when they  wanted to. The ether became the medium to take people to meetings across the globe in a fraction of a second. Lessons were being imparted online. And everyone took their learning and teaching to the Internet.Social media was abuzz 24 X 7. No one alone. Countries shut their borders but people reached out from their hearts, from within their homes.

That afternoon, the skies came to attention. Thunder and Lightning struck everywhere.It began to drizzle. Then rain.Steadily there came the downpour. It was Nature reigning supreme.As if to state, it would finish what it started.All people could do was wait and watch and pray. The vibes changed. All those prayers, positivity and visualization would only change the ether.As the squall settled, peace returned.

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