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Jumping out of bed Tia ran to the window. The sun was barely out of its own bed. The sky was pink and lilac, turning a little golden too as the rest of it was a perfect baby blue!
She never missed a sunrise! It was so magical, the colours lifted straight from an artist’s palette…..
“Good morning dear Sun!” Smiling she geared up for the day!
Sipping her aromatic coffee, she got ready for a run! Stepping out in the nippy air, she braced herself to complete the routine assigned by Coach.
Many felt he was too strict, he hardly ever smiled but was always there when anyone stumbled. They all called him the “Rock”.
“Rock of Gibraltar”
Someone to be trusted with your eyes closed, no questions asked. And boy did he raise the bar!
Warming up thoroughly, off she went.As she laboured through her laps she felt she was slipping today. She was not able to hit the paces, or get that speed.
Now she was at her wits end…..
she had to do it…, coz, coz Coach had said. Trying all her affirmations, she repeated to herself ‘ Every day, in every which way I am getting better and stronger’

‘Every day, in every which way I am getting better and stronger’
She looked up at the bright sun and felt the glorious golden sunshine enveloping her and with a burst from somewhere deep within she gave it her best.
The wind roared in her ears “You can do it Tia!” Her muscles tingled with an infusion of energy and her heart pumped faster urging her legs to lift and lift, again and again!
There was no stopping now, no looking back!
As she finally came to a halt, bathed in sparkling sweat and glorious joy she heard a loud and cheerful
“ Good job!”
Turning around she saw it was “ The Rock” She felt she had won her way to the Olympics!
“ What happened? Why were you stumbling at the beginning?” He asked.
“ Don’t know sir!
Hope you weren’t disappointed.”
“Not after I saw you pull yourself together. Now we shall celebrate”
Everyone around broke into smiles, laughter and whistles.
“ Let’s go everyone for icecream! Tia’s treat!”
And she couldn’t stop smiling. She loved Icecream!
She looked up at the sun as they left the ground and gave it her biggest smile and wink!

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