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The Sacred Talisman #2 – a sequel

Adjusting his eyes to the dim light, Shiva took a while to remember where he was! He didn’t know! He could barely make out a huge hall, a soft and comfortable linen sheet on top of a soft mattress, maybe. Small apertures in a row, where the rising Sun tried to peep in through. Then he remembered, collapsing, and drinking the sweetest water, which revived him as each drop soaked into his body.
And the woman… who was she? Where was she now? She had saved him. The buzz in his head grew louder. All his friends across the globe wanted to know if he was well. He had last communicated a scream as if falling from a great height …. Aaaagggghhhh! They complained their ears had gone numb.
Silence! Complete silence! He could not hear anyone now. As he got up with some effort, he saw the woman approaching, with a steaming tumbler. So, she could block his communications he realized. “Don’t be afraid!” she said. She could read his mind! “ Yes, I can, that’s how we communicate!” Ha ha ha! The tinkling laughter rang across the room in the most pleasant manner.
Giving him the tumbler of hot brew made of herbs to revive his strength, she sat down besides him. As he sipped, he narrated how his world had been destroyed. First it was people, then the buildings, and gardens, slowly the animals, rivers and trees, all were destroyed. He came looking for that secret talisman, which would restore his city, his country, and his world. She stared at him for a while , then smiling she said, “ Lets go to the Temple of Wisdom.”
Blinking, he followed her. The bright Sun this day felt warm and welcoming, not burning, and hurtful. The azure skies beckoned, as they held his secret. Making their way through the deserted, winding, stone paved street they reached the building he had entered the previous day.
He saw a few monks in meditation, with the most peaceful smiles. He wanted to know their secret. But his guide had already started climbing the steps. Hurriedly he followed.
Walking into the main hall, he was stunned to note a huge sparkling crystal suspended in air! The brilliant light emanating reached the farthest crevices in the sleekly constructed hall of thousand arches. The peace and calm permeated every cell of his body as he continued to gaze at it. He watched his ‘Farishta’ bow down and then sit in the yogic pose of ‘Padmasan’ while indicating he should sit down too.
All his life he had seen his family and friends only engrossed in war. The battles created walls and sapped all their energy. Sometimes they fought among themselves over trivial matters because that had become their nature. When he remembered his Mother’s caring, selfless actions to comfort and nurture him or his father’s patient understanding while training him, he felt blessed. Recalling his wife’s unconditional love, his eyes filled up. And then he understood The light was communicating with him. He felt he was in the presence of the Collective wisdom of all Mankind, maybe the Universe.
“Love” was indeed the most powerful weapon. It had the power to heal, to strengthen and to fight. As his eyes slowly closed, he went into a state of thoughtless awareness and cool vibrations flowed through his open palms, back and over his head in rolling waves. It was a state of bliss. He did not know how long he meditated. When he finally opened his eyes, he was ready to go back home with secret.
Image may contain: 1 person, tree, shoes, beard, outdoor and nature

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