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Wishful thinking!

Meera was rushing once again, till she reached the bustling crossing under the flyover. “ Paarrpp” “Zzzooomm” “Chhheeee”, she came to a grinding halt… Stuck in traffic jam again. She had left home a full 5 minutes earlier too. Damn! Please God can we not have traffic jams?

Bina didn’t want to go to school. The same thing every day. Study, sit outside the basketball court and watch others play, teachers explaining to her the lessons one on one (again!0, her boring classmates, chatting with her friends (the only silver lining). But Mom wouldn’t hear of it, slowly she got dressed. Could we not have an end to this ‘going to school’ routine? She had voted for technology over physical schools, in the class discussion too. No need to interact with anyone.

Rajesh looked at his watch as he wound up the presentation. It was already 9 pm. By the time he would reach home, the kids would be in bed, Mala would be getting things ready for the next day. His dinner would be waiting in the warm oven. Dear God couldn’t there be a way that he could tuck his kids into bed each night, have some wine with his wife and play a game of Scrabble or two?

The Tiger in the Jungle reflected wearily on his Grandmother’s tales that once they roamed large from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. The family was large, the offsprings  well taken care of and the jungle trembled under their roaring! What happened? How did it all change? Ah Yes, Those two legged sapiens! They had injured, maimed and killed them over generations. Could they not be kept away? In their own dwellings?

Nature too shed a tear, her rivers had become sullied, the vast oceans were not sppared either. Huge trails of waste and plastics killing so many of its fish, marine animals, choking life! Earth was traumatized too. Somewhere mining, somewhere land blasts to build roads, factories or cities. Forest were being cut down, razed completely in no time, which had taken millions of years to grow. Use of toxic chemicals was rampant. She wished all this would be turned around.

God sighed and pressed “ Reset” on his remote control.” Let me grant everyone’s wish!”





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