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Super Chef 2020


The Serpentine queue was disappointing. Dolly was crestfallen. “How will anyone select me now?” she whispered. Piya took one look at her and chirped, “Don’t worry honey, no one here is a patch on you. You just stand out in your beautiful pink chiffon saree and silver blonde bob.” Rolling her eyes Dolly chuckled. Piya was right.

After hours of waiting, rounds of coffee and chatting with all the people in the queue ahead and behind her she finally held the card stating  “Selected for Master chef 2020”.

Everyone loved Dolly. Not only did she look regal, as she held herself erect and statuesque, her kind twinkling dark eyes and smiling mouth heightened her silvery hair. There was always a gentle greeting or encouragement for everyone. And her heart, how could anyone have such love and consideration for all they knew??? Okay Mother Teresa did……but Jesus asked her isn’t it …. To be Mother Teresa.

What Dolly truly loved was cooking. To feed her loved ones, her family was a joy, not a tedious task. But she also enjoyed feeding her friends, her children’s friends, friends of her husband and now friends of her grandchildren too. She showered her love, care and food.

And did everyone like it?

They loved it! Dolly made everyone feel special. The way she cooked and the food she served was not only perfect in taste but catered to the needs of those at the receiving end.

For a lark she had given in to her grand daughter’s persistence that she enter the ‘Master Chef 2020’ contest. And now she felt overwhelmed. There were youngsters who studied cookery, and some who made a living out of it. She was asked, “ What will you do if you win the prize?” She sat there for  a moment gaping, for the first time in her life, as her mind tried to imagine the situation which seemed like a fairy tale! That made her laugh and wondering what Ms World would say, she said, “ I would like to start a Cookery School, where, young ones from financially backward families would be specifically trained. The food would then be distributed to a couple of schools being run by very heroic people in the slums. I would like to establish the foundation of food, good health, positive mindset and a way to economic independence.”

The panel sat there bewitched… ( Dolly’s spell was cast) …. Before breaking into a thunderous applause.

Well the first round was tomorrow. Now that she was in, she would enjoy herself. Giving it her best shot. Hopefully she would remember to add all her ingredients. Ha! Ha! Ha! She fell asleep laughing!

It was an imposing set. Nestled amidst an emerald green forest, somewhere in the Sahyadri hills with a placid blue lake reflecting the calmness of the endless sky. The perfect place for tranquility. Greeting everyone she walked in as the chirping of the birds slowly diminished before becoming completely silent as the doors to the cavernous hall shut behind them.

And so it began. With a flourish. Cooking to the best of her ability she presented succulent Biryani, with Beetroot salan, ‘Doi- maach in tender coconut’, multi layered mango chiffon cake with a wine sauce and many more dishes with names difficult to pronounce.

The gravies were rich and spicy, the sauces were sinfully creamy, the desserts were daintily flavoured with a taste that lingered on in your mind long after it was gone from the tongue. The explosion of the tangy sourness hit you just before the zing of the chillies blasted your palette, to be gently soothed by the sweet and savoury tastes. The hint of pepper, nutmeg, cloves and cumin tangoed with the aromas of bay leaf, ginger and asafoetida, culminating in a Flamenco.

After many rounds of ups and downs, of momentary victories and losses, the day arrived. It was the Finals. To everyone’s amazement, Dolly was one of the finalists. Raghu, the other finalist had won admirers galore, not just with the visual and gastronomical delights he conjured up but also because of his cheerful and witty disposition.

After the rounds of appetizers and main course, the two were tied. The Judges, all admirable Chefs of great repute, seemed astounded with the delectable treats and the visually tantalizing offerings. It was time to serve their desserts. Raghu brought in an ice cream which was so beautifully presented, the Judges didn’t want to tarnish the art. Tasting the frozen, creamy concoction of milk, honey, nuts and fruits, their eyes shut dreamily as they were transported to Heaven! Food Heaven!

Dolly’s turn. She brought in a bowl of ‘Kheer’. The Diya glowing beside it, nestled in fragrant red rose petals, some garnishing the dish as well along with a generous sprinkling of cashews, pistachios and raisins, seem to be calling out’ “Pick me up and eat me!” The j

Judges were dumbstruck after tasting the first spoonful. This was no ordinary rice pudding. The creamy taste, chilled to perfection just melted in the mouth. The flavours of cardamom and saffron married perfectly, just the right amount of sweetness, neither too much, nor too little, was a Gastronomical delight par excellence. As they went “ Ooh!” “ Aah!” “ Mm!” Dolly kept smiling.

The Judges went into a huddle and summoned the two finalists. They admitted it was very difficult for them to reach a conclusion as they praised the skills of the two standing in front of them. Yet they had to select one winner, fairly too. The award was unanimously won by Dolly!

Dolly couldn’t believe her ears! She burst out laughing, congratulating Raghu and thanking the Judges, she dedicated her award to all the Grandmas, like her and to her dearest granddaughter Piya.

“After all watching ‘Ms World’ for so many years did come in handy!” thought the Great Grand Chef.






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